Organizers 👑
Sols Bormethius rinthehecker bumpyJake
Members 👨👩👧👦
ClownPierce hannahxxrose MiniMuka BryTheGuyyy
JustKaboodle CoinMonke PikaTM YaBoiTae
Epaxial Wyll TurboPiggyYT ToanLuigi
FerreMC Quakitus Moretingz kantje
Subs 🔃
ItsLilKae Debunky phaanity Squiddo KatieGoBrr Wemmbu Crumpts Saturn_720 IDKnows
VIPs 🫅
im_a_squid_kid Woogie Nufuli PierceTRV MylesYoutube Reddoons Evbo Pyroscythe
Event Development -
Frontend Development -
Backend & Analytics Development -
Builds -
Ovicto for Mia Studios
Social Media -
MiniMuka, Sedly
Artists 🎨
Agelast Bunny ViolettaFire IngaPotejto ssiba1 ssseriema rinthehecker WolfyTheWitch Cogmented PovertyBag
With thanks to
Capollo Media & the BlockWars team HollowRealms The End event hunters
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